Posted by: Lindsey | March 24, 2010

Semana Santa

Okay, I am OFFICIALLY super excited about Spring Break (Semana Santa), baby! I just bought buy my airplane ticket!

Semana Santa is Easter break where basically ALL of Ecuador has off of school. Gotta love those Catholics.

So here’s the game plan for my 2 whole weeks away from school: 7 days in the Galapagos Islands. There I will be seeing animals that you can’t see anywhere else (or that you can only see in a few places, depending on the animal). Also, most of these animals do not have natural predators so they are not scared of humans. It’s basically like an animal hippie commune.

Arial view of the Galapagos (Galapagos meaning "saddleback" in Spanish).

Come back Saturday. Sunday: rest, wash clothes, repack.

Monday: Leave for Baños, a city 5 hours away from Quito. Who know what we’ll all do there? White water rafting, hiking up the beautiful waterfalls, bungee jumping… you name it. I think only 4 of us are for certain going to Baños (Aaron, Kevin, me and Athena, the student teacher from Michigan).

Thursday: Athena and I take a bus to Cuenca, another 5ish hour bus ride (I have no idea what the rest of the folks will be doing). THANK GOODNESS Athena agreed to with me because I couldn’t go alone and I had my heart set on going. In Cuenca we will take a day trip to Ingapirca, the largest Inca site in Ecuador. The other day and a half will be spent exploring the city of Cuenca, named a UNESCO  World Heritage Trust site because of all the beautiful historical buildings. Saturday night we take our 1 hour (and $45) flight back to Quito.

Example of a colonial house in Cuenca.

Sunday I recuperate.

So needless to say, I won’t be on the internet for 2 whole weeks. Leave me love while I’m gone!

And after Spring Break, I only have 3 weeks left in Ecuador! (which I have mixed feelings about). I will be teaching hardcore those 3 weeks and 1 week my CT will not even be there. I also have to do all the final papers, projects and assignments for KSU because they are ALL due the Monday after I get back (crazy) and I refuse to do them when I’m home.



  1. you get to go to the galapagos?! that’s like every biologists wet dream! 🙂 take lots and lots and lots and lots of pictures for me!! when do you come back to good ol’ america? i’m trying to decide what to leave for the philippines, but if i know when you’ll be here, i’ll try to book accordingly so i can see you again!! XOXO

  2. I hope you’re having fun! I’m thinking about you while I’m laying out at the pool, ALONE. Can’t wait til you get back so we can lay out, drink margaritas, and eat tons of queso. I miss you like crazy!!! But, you are at the Banos doing things we can’t even imagine having the opportunity to do. Please take lots of pictures. I’m counting down the days til you return. MUAH!

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